2016 Walking Sculpture Tour

Artist Statement:
It’s Mine! is a metaphor for the challenges we all face in our lives. The sculptures represents a timber wolf protecting the snowshoe hare it has just preyed upon. Many competitors in the wild steal prey from those unwilling or unable to prevent the theft. One must be fierce to secure the sustenance earned from the hunt.

About Bruce Morness
Bruce Morness was born in Des Moines, Iowa in 1952. He grew up in Mankato. Bruce graduated from Mankato High School in 1970. After a three year enlistment in the U.S. Army, Bruce attended and graduated from MN State University, Mankato in 1980.
Bruce left Mankato for the Twin Cities and worked in the corporate world for 30 years. He worked as a group insurance underwriter and in the finance areas of several insurance and pharmacy benefit management companies. He met Carol at his first employer. They married and have twins, Erik and Rebecca. In 2008 Bruce retired from the corporate environment and established his art studio in Stone Lake, Wisconsin. He has created a small outdoor sculpture park on two wooded acres surrounding his studio. He also creates mixed media wall pieces and paints with acrylics.