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Photo: All the World

All the World

Lee Leuning & Sheri Treeby
South Dakota
Materials: Bronze
Schwickert's Tecta America, LLC
Selling Price: $20,000

Artist Statement:

Life will be a marvelous journey for this strong young girl, as she looks to the future for paths of her own choosing.

Photo: Lee Leuning & Sheri Treeby

About Lee Leuning & Sheri Treeby

Lee and Sherri reserve a portion of their time away from commissioned artwork to produce two original bronze sculptures of a Norman Rockwell type realism to enter into community year long sculpture walk venues. They excel in humorous, and insightful sculptures, that have a hidden story, that when the viewer figures it out they feel good about themselves. Their ability to connect with the common man and make viewing sculpture as really fun has lead to their winning a Sioux Falls Sculpture Walk Award or purchase for each of its 16 years. They are the only artists to have been juried in each and every year. What is truly notable of this achievement is the national status of Sioux Falls Sculpture Walk. It is by far the largest yearlong exhibit in the US with 56 major artworks downtown, 25 at Avera complex and 20 at Sioux Falls University. Most artists selected are nationally recognized and over 200 apply each year to be able to exhibit in Sioux Falls. Other Cities Sculpture Walks advertise that they have artwork that made it previously into SFSW.

They are selected every year to appear on television and radio coverage of the opening day of the Walk and to give sculpting demonstrations at the Walk’s major fundraisings.

They have been accepted into all of the major Midwest cities the now increasingly popular art venue is growing into. They include St. Louis Springfield, Chesterfield, St Joe, Marysville, Mo. /Salina and Hutchinsen Ks/ Mason City and Sioux City, Ia

Decatur, Indiana/ Mankato, St. Cloud, Stillwater, Bemidji, Victoria-Minn. Sheridan Wyoming/Golden, Co/Castlegar, B.C. Canada/ Watertown, Yankton, Milbank, SD. They have won “People’s Choice” or judges awards at all these events on a regular basis. To the extent that other artist hate to see that they are entered.