2016 Walking Sculpture Tour

Artist Statement:
Figure skaters have such beautiful flowing movements. This young lady is going into a backward spin and at the same time is going to be holding onto her skate.

About Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson grew up in Minnesota, loved being in the outdoors and started skating at age 4 on his pond in the back yard. Judd has been sitting in ice rinks watching Wayzata youth hockey for the last 20 years, having 2 kids whowent through the program.
Judd started welding in his high school art class at age 15 and 2 years later he had his own set of welding tanks. At age 17 he was accepted into his first juried show. He graduated from the University of Minnesota with an art education degree with a major emphasis on metal sculpture. Out of college Judd taught art on a Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota and later in the public schools in Boise, Idaho. He still enjoys teaching and for the last few years has been teaching Teen Welding at the Minnetonka Center for the Arts.
For 14 years Judd worked for Hometime, a national public television show. His duties were both in front and behind of the camera as their lead builder and coordinating the projects with the actors and directors to produce a home building show. Hometime videotaped three PBS shows as they developed the sculpture studio. Judd spends the summers in Grand Marias where he has a sculpture studio and teaches a class at the Art Colony.